Wild Eco Builders: Wild Cities
CourseBuild an entire city of buildings inspired by animals.
Laughing Automata Machines
CourseInvent and build Laughing Automata Machines that perform various actions using simple crank mechanisms to bring laughter and joy!
Coding Our Emotions
CourseInvent and design video sensing games using SCRATCH to allow us to refocus and strengthen our emotions.
Balancing 'Me' Sculptures
CourseMaking 'Balancing Me’ Sculptures out of everyday objects will collectively demonstrate our similarities and differences, helping us to be more self-aware and understand and connect through creativity and critical thinking.
Wild Eco Builders: Natures Engineers
CoursePlay with paper sculpting techniques from 2D to 3D to explore the biomimicry of plants and habitats.
Wild Eco Builders: Coding Places
CourseExplore Biomimicry by inventing, building and coding an eco place with a micro:bit!